Our Products

Soma 100


Embrace peace of mind, body and spirit with our Soma Kratom shots. With an abundance of mitragynine(you can just call me Kratom), our signature 100 blended entry level tonic will unfold into balance, as your focus sustains throughout your chosen moments. As you rise above the challenges of the day with clarity and ease, watch the disarray of clouded perceptions fall into oblivion. With its fresh and invigorating citrus lemon-lime flavor, allow the zest of life to return to you in an instant.
Soma Supplements’ Liquid Kratom Shots are specially formulated with 50mg. of Mitragynine extracted from premium, pure, 100% organic Kratom. Made In the USA.
Contains Two Servings.
(limit your servings to two per day)

Soma 200


Embrace peace of mind, body and spirit with our Soma Kratom shots. With an abundance of mitragynine(you can just call me Kratom), our signature 200 level tonic will unfold into balance as your focus sustains throughout your chosen moments. As you rise above the challenges of the day with clarity and ease, watch the disarray of clouded perceptions fall into oblivion. With its fresh and invigorating citrus lemon-lime flavor, allow the zest of life to return to you in an instant. With twice the servings as our 100 tonic, continue to balance the scales towards equilibrium of mind for days to come.
Soma Supplements’ Liquid Kratom Shots are specially formulated with 50mg. of Mitragynine extracted from premium, pure, 100% organic Kratom. Made In the USA.
Contains Four Servings.
(limit your servings to four per day)

Soma 300

Embrace peace of mind, body and spirit with our Soma Kratom shots. With our highest dosage of mitragynine(you can just call me Kratom), our supreme 300 level tonic will envelope you with bliss, relaxing you into the strength and vigor reminiscent of a youthful disposition. As you rise above the challenges of the day with clarity and ease, watch the disarray of clouded perceptions fall into oblivion. With its fresh and invigorating citrus lemon-lime flavor, allow the zest of life to return to you in an instant. With 3 times the servings as our 100 tonic, our 300 Kratom elixir is more concentrated and will continue to unfold your mind into a more blissful and calm state.
Soma Supplements’ Liquid Kratom Shots are specially formulated with 50mg. of Mitragynine extracted from premium, pure, 100% organic Kratom. Made In the USA.
Contains Six Servings.
(limit your servings to six per day)

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